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Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Download GTA VC (PC)

Dalam GTA Vice City Stories Pemain dapat mencuri kendaraan, mobil, kapal, sepeda motor, dan bahkan helikopter, mengambil bagian dalam penembakan, perampokan, dan umumnya membuat kekacauan. Namun, hal tersebut cenderung untuk menghasilkan perhatian yang tidak diinginkan dan berpotensi fatal dari polisi atau, dalam kasus yang ekstrim, FBI dan bahkan National Guard. Perilaku polisi sebagian besar mirip dengan Grand Theft Auto III Game PC, meskipun unit-unit polisi sekarang akan memegang tongkat malam, menyebarkan spike strip untuk menusuk ban mobil pemain, serta tim SWAT terbang helikopter polisi dan unit polisi yang menyamar tersebut, Miami Vice. Perhatian polisi dapat dinetralisir dalam berbagai cara seperti berdiri di Bintang atau menerapkan menipu.
GTA Vice City Cheats:

Dalam Wakil kota pemain dapat menerapkan menipu berbeda selama gameplay yang membuat game ini sangat mudah dan lebih goyang seperti jika Anda ingin tingkat penuh Anda dapat mengetik "leavemealone" dan tingkat ingin akan dihapus. Jika Anda ingin kode cheat kemudian melihat Gta Vice City Cheats PC.
Persyaratan Sistem:

Persyaratan Sistem Minimum:
800 MHz Intel Pentium III 800 MHz atau AMD 1,2 GHz prosesor AMD Duron Athlon atau 1.2GHz Intel Celeron atau
128 MB RAM
8 kecepatan drive CD / DVD
915 MB ruang hard disk bebas (+ 635 MB jika kartu video TIDAK mendukung DirectX Texture Compression)
32 MB video card dengan DirectX 9.0 driver yang kompatibel ("GeForce" atau lebih baik)
Sound Card dengan DirectX 9.0 kompatibel driver Keyboard & Mouse

Fitur Persyaratan Sistem:
Intel Pentium IV atau AMD Athlon XP prosesor 256 (+) MB RAM
16 kecepatan drive CD / DVD
1.55 GB ruang hard disk bebas (+ 635 MB jika kartu video TIDAK mendukung DirectX Texture Compression)
64 MB video card (+) dengan driver DirectX 9.0 kompatibel ("GeForce 3? /" Radeon 8500? Atau lebih baik dengan dukungan DirectX Tekstur Kompresi)
Kartu suara yang kompatibel DirectX 9.0 dengan suara surround
Gamepad (USB atau Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse


Gta Vice City Download

Cheat GTA VC (PC)

Kode Cheat
Health [Catatan 1]
Senjata (tier 1)
Senjata (tier 2)
Senjata (tier 3)
Meningkatkan wanted level
Mengurangi wanted level (anti polisi)
Perlihatkan media leve jika melebihi dua bintang
Ahli menyetir
Mobil dodo (terbang) [Catatan 2]
Rhino tank
Mempercepat waktu
Mempercepat game play
Memperlambat game play (matrix)
Menghancurkan semua mobil
Pejalan kaki berkelahi
Pejalan kaki menyerangmu
Pedestrians have weapons
Pejalan kaki memasuki mobilmu
Mengubah ukuran ban
Hanya ban yang terlihat pada mobil (transparan)
Bikini women with guns [Catatan 3]
Lalulintas kacau
Semua mobil berwarna pink
Semua mobil berwarna hitam
Semua lalmpu lalulintas hijau
Mobil jenazah
Mobil Love Fist Limosin
Mobil Sampah
Bloodring Banger (style 1)
Bloodring Banger (style 2)
Mobil Golf (caddy)
Kostum pejalan kaki [Catatan 4]
Kostum Lance Vance
Kostum Ken Rosenberg
Kostum Hilary King
Kostum Jezz Torent (Love Fist)
Kostum Dick (Love Fist)
Kostum Phil Cassaday
Kostum Sonny Forelli
Kostum Mercedes
Mobil berjalan di air
Mobil yang lebih cepat
Mobil yang sangat cepat
Semua mobil cepat
Groupie Tommy [Catatan 5]
Kostum Ricardo Diaz
Tommy merokok
Tommy menjadi gemuk
Tommy memiliki lengan dan kaki kurus
Cuaca bagus
Cuaca sangat bagus
Cuata panas
Cuaca badai
Cuaca berkabut
Kapal terbang
Bunuh diri

Download GTA SA RIP (PC)

GTA San Andreas


Download :

Cara menginstal :
Download semua Part - Lalu tempatkan dalam satu Folder yang bersamaan
Mulailah Extract dari Part 1, maka secara otomatis semua Part akan ikutan ter-extract
Tunggu beberapa saat sampai Proses Extract selesai
Jika sudah, sobat akan menemukan folder yang isinya Data-data GTA San Andreas
Buka Folder tersebut, lalu jalankan ' setup.bat '
(Mungkin akan memakan waktu sekitar 10 Menit lebih, karena setelah di install file akan berubah menjadi 4,66 GB)
Oke, jika sudah bersihkan PC / Laptop sobat pakai Registry Cleaner atau CCleaner
(Berguna untuk membersihkan Registry yang rusak akibat Instalasi).
Game siap dijalankan, tanpa perlu Crack atau semacamnya
Sistem Minimal Untuk Bermain :
Processor : Intel Pentium III - AMD Athlon atau keatas
RAM : 512
HDD : 5 GB Free
VGA : 128 MB atau keatas
DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound Card atau keatas

Cheat Lengkap GTA SA (PC)

Bintang Dua Wanted : OSRBLHHMenghilangkan Bintang Wanted : ASNAEB
Amunisi Tak Terbatas : 
WANRLTW atau FULLCLIPDapat Menembak Ketika Mengemudi : OUIQDMW
Loncat Tinggi : 
Pukulan Super : 
Darah Tidak Habis-Habis : 
BAGUVIXOxygen Tidak Habis-Habis : CVWKXAM
Bintang Enam Wanted : 
Tidak Pernah Lapar : 
AEDUWNVHitman Dalam Semua Status Senjata : NCSGDAG atau PROFESSIONALKILLERMaksimal Seluruh Skill Kendaraan : VQIMAHA atau NATURALTALENTBerotot : JYSDSOD atau BUFFMEUPKurus : KVGYZQKGemuk : BTCDBCBMemiliki karunia Di Kepala : BAGOWPGMagnet Pelacur : BEKKNQVMode Adrenalin : MUNASEFSex Appeal Maksimal : EHIBXQS atau HELLOLADIESMerekrut Siapapun (9mm) : SJMAHPEMerekrut Siapapun (Rockets) : ZSOXFSQ atau ROCKETMAYHEMBunuh Diri : SZCMAWO atau GOODBYECRUELWORLDCuaca Cerah : AFZLLQLL atau PLEASANTLYWARMCuaca Sangat Cerah : ICIKPYH atau TOODAMNHOTCuaca Mendung : ALNSFMZOCuaca Hujan : AUIFRVQSCuaca Berkabut : CFVFGMJ
Jam Cepat : 
Permainan Cepat :PPGWJHT atau SPEEDITUPPermainan Lambat :LIYOAAY atau SLOWITDOWN
Pejalan Kaki Menyerang Lainnya : 
AJLOJYQYSetiap Orang Bersenjata :FOOOXFT
Meledakan Semua Mobil :
CPKTNWTMobil Tak Terlihat :XICWMD
Selalu Lampu Hijau :
ZEIIVGPengemudi Agresif :YLTEICZ
Lalu Lintas Pink : 
Lintas Hitam : IOWDLAC
Perahu T
Pejalan Kaki Menyerang A
Pesta Pantai : 
Ada Gang Dimana-Mana : 
Tema Ninja : 
Mobil Cepat : 
Langit Oranye 
Badai Pasir : C
Funhouse : PRIEBJ atau CRAZYTOWN
Mengurangi Lalu Lintas : 
THGLOJ atau GHOSTTOWNLalu Lintas Kendaraan Negara : FVTMNBZMendapatkan Pakaian "Born 2 Truck" : BMTPWHRMobil Limo : KRIJEBR
Mobil Dozer : ITSALLBULLKendaraan Quad :FOURWHEELFUN
Kendaraan Truk 
Bloodring Banger :CQZIJMB
Rancher :JQNTDMH
obil Balap 1 : PDNEJOH atau VROCKPOKEY
obil Balap 2 : VPJTQWV
Mobil Sampah : 
Vortex Hovercraft : KGGGDKP
Hunter : OHDUDE
Handling Sempurna : 
Semua Kendaraan Punya Nitro : 
COXEFGU atau SPEEDFREAKTaksi Punya Nitro : VKYPQCFParasut : AIYPWZQPJetpack : YECGAA atau ROCKETMANSenjata Set 1 : LXGIWYL
Truk Monster : 

AQW - How To Get 250++ Legion Token per Day

Yang dibutuhkan:

1.Dark mystic Purple
2.Data bot nya >>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD
3.Eldraco class (rank 5) INGET HARUS ELDRACO DAN RANK 5++
4.Code get drop legion token (liat di pos sebelumnya)
5.Legion soul collector (bisa ya bisa ngg) biar tambah maknyoss dropnya


1.Login ke AQW trus join map (/join curseblue-9090909090)
2.tekan tanda panah > (kanan) di keyboard lalu copas code get drop LT bis tu klik add + centang SPAM

3.tekan tanda panah < (kiri) di keyboard trus pilih bot manager
4.trus klik load/open lalu pilih data bot yang barusan kamu download tadi
5.sudah?? trus centang (Enabled bot) dan HAVE FUN !!! :D

Mau cheat yang laen??? makanya di share blog ini :D

AQW - Hair Shop ID

Hair 1: Yulgar’s Inn
Hair 6: Slime Hair
Hair 13: Mythsong Hair
Hair 19: Ninja Hair
Hair 21: Skyguard Hair [Member-Only]
Hair 22: Necro Mohawk
Hair 23: Troll Hair
Hair 24: Etherstorm Hair

Ps : cheat tersebut membutuhkan trainers.

AQW - Dark Mystic Hack

Apa itu Dark mystic?? Dark mystic adalah sejenis trainers yang mempunyai fungsi ganda yaitu bisa sebagai loader dan bot. untuk mendownload file nya silahkan klik link di bawah.

Dark mystic v2.0
Dark mystic v2.2
Dark mystic v6.b

Ps : saya tidak bertanggung jawab kalo char anda ke banned

AQW - Achievment Hack


%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%9%1% - Sky Pirate Slayer ---> not work
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%2%1% - Moglin Punter
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%1%1% - Kung Food Fighter
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%0%1% - Friday The 13th
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%12%1% - Unicorn Commander
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%5%1% - Eye Was There
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%7%1% - Stubborn Achievement
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%13%1% - Cornelis Reborn
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%14%1% - King Fisher ---> not work
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%14.5%1% - Derp Moosefish ---> not work

Cara menggunakannya :

1.Download Dark mystic purple version (link nya bisa di cari di google)
2.Setelah login klik tanda panah (kanan)
3.Masukan codenya
4.Klik SEND

AQW - New Packet SPAMMER

GET DROP (Accept barang yang didapat)

%xt%zm%getDrop%163%4723% - Unidentified 10
%xt%zm%getDrop%147584%6136% - Gem of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4770% - Dark Crystal Shard
%xt%zm%getDrop%175305%1172% - Escherion's Helm
%xt%zm%getDrop%254467%5356% - Essence of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%595891%5357% - Totem of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4769% - Tainted Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%191901%4708% - Cubes
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8541% - Tortured Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8542% - Malignant Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8543% - Ultimate Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8540% - Necrotic Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%174917%4960% - Tainted Soul
%xt%zm%getDrop%6%4771% - Diamonds of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%115861%4862% - Voucher of Nulgath (Non Member)
%xt%zm%getDrop%19457%4762% - Unidentified 13
%xt%zm%getDrop%141063%4861% - Voucher of Nulgath (Member)
%xt%zm%getDrop%61223%6521% - Legion Token
%xt%zm%getDrop%55467%10326% - Magenta Dye
%xt%zm%getDrop%55467%10325% - Fuchsia Dye
%xt%zm%getDrop%110157%8940% - Treasure Chest
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9396% - Super Fan Swag Token D
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9395% - Super Fan Swag Token C
%xt%zm%buyItem%15%9394%325% - Super Fan Swag Token B
%xt%zm%buyItem%15%9393%325% - Super Fan Swag Token A
%xt%zm%getDrop%232642%157% - Dark Hunger
%xt%zm%getDrop%262830%199% - Giant Protector Blade
%xt%zm%getDrop%262830%198% - Box Guardian Blade 

USE ITEM (Menggunakan barang yang ada di bag)

%xt%zm%serverUseItem%204012%+%7162% (Experience Boost)
%xt%zm%serverUseItem%183322%+%8877% (Class Reputation Boost)
%xt%zm%serverUseItem%183322%+%7140% (Gold Boost)
%xt%zm%serverUseItem%183322%+%8879% (Reputation Boost)

GET ITEM (tau sendiri lah :D )

%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%362% - Golbrush (R) Lightbeam Elixir
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%364% - Golbrush (R) Wand
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%365% - Gold Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%366% - EXP Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%367% - Globrush Sparklebeam Elixir
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%368% - Elixir of Haste
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%369% - Elixir of Regeneration
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%393% - Globrush (R) Guardian Guard
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%515% - Reputation boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%516% - Class Point boost

NB: Sebenernya masih ada packet spam buat dapetin achievment, tapi berhubung itu berbahaya dan bisa mengakibatkan BANNED, di himbau jangan ada yang nyoba ya :D

AQW - Quest ID List (New Update)

1433: Subdue the Squadrons
1434: Pactoganol Aid Required
1435: Contain the Chaos
1436: Chaorrupted Captain Encounter
1437: Chaos Critters in the Crops
1438: Zombehs Aren’t So Smart
1439: it’s the Anti-Mall
1440: 28 battles Later…
1441: Bandits are Bad News
1442: Creatures Serving Chaos
1443: Bandit Battles
1444: Can you Regain Grams?
1445: Makeup Should Sparkle!
1446: The Princess is NOT amused
1447: I Want The Perfect Pet
1448: Mother’s Best Sushi Recipe
1449: Spice it up!
1450: Animal Army for Aria
1451: Descent into Darkness
1452: Out of Darkness
1453: Shine a Light on Deception
1454: Save Yourself, Save the Soldiers
1455: Battle the Baas!
1456: Wounds in Stones and Beasts
1457: Light in Underhome
1458: Truth is its Own Light
1459: Horcs Know Mercy
1460: Battle the Baas!
1461: A Scent to See Beyond
1462: Gathering Shards of the Heart
1463: Blood Calls to Blood
1464: Know the Nexus
1465: Secure a Route Home
1466: DreamDancers’ Orbs
1467: Master the Flames
1468: Choose: Khasaanda Confrontation
1469: Know the Nexus
1470: Secure a Route Home
1471: DreamDancers’ Orbs
1472: Master the Flames
1473: Choose: Khasaanda Confrontation
1474: Clueless
1475: Filling in The Puzzle
1476: The Eyes (and Teeth) Have it
1477: Halfway There
1478: Charge it
1479: What Was That?!
1480: The Mudluk Vault
1481: Recovering Mudluk History
1482: Tempered Scrap
1483: Crystalized Fernos Shard
1484: Ghoul Fire
1485: Vault Guardian Heart
1486: Tango Tango Tango!
1487: Pink-a-licious Prowl
1488: Pink Petal Power!
1489: Flowers for the Birthday Gal
1490: Dyeing for a Challenge
1491: Dyeing for Gemstones
1492: To Be A Dragonhunter
1493: The Easy Path
1494: The Red Trophy
1495: Scramble Em!
1496: Crush The Eggs
1497: You did it?
1498: Tasty Treats
1499: Hidden Points
1500: Set The Trap
1501: The Hard Path
1502: Do Not Crush The Eggs
1503: Heat ‘Em Up
1504: Baby food
1505: Molting
1506: Fatherly Insanity
1507: What Needs To Be Done
1508: Snow Way to Know Where to Go
1509: Arming the Undead Army
1510: Cold as A Corpse
1511: Pretty Pretty Undead Princess Decor
1512: Deadifying Frost Lions
1513: Forest Guardian Gauntlet
1514: No More Moglin Munchies
1515: Gravelyn’s Most Dangerous Game
1516: Defiant Undead Deserters
1517: Tinsel’s Second Armor Gift
1518: Tinsel’s Second Helm Gift
1519: Snow Turning Back!
1520: Venom in Your Veins
1521: Song of the Frozen Heart
1522: A Chilling Discovery
1523: Cold to the Core
1524: Is the Area as Big Inside as Outside?
1525: The Final Hour?
1526: See-Sawing Through Time
1527: A Crack in Time Saves More Than Nine
1528: Time Bashes On
1530: SHUTDOWN Sequence
1531: Chronomancy and Chaos
1532: Something Smells Rotten in Etherstorm
1533: Play With Fire
1534: Shape of the Ship?
1535: Skeleton Crew, Skeleton Key
1536: Dead Journal
1537: Sold Out!
1538: Abandon All Hope…
1539: In The Drink
1540: Below Decks
1541: Blow Stuff Up!
1542: Set Me On Fire
1543: Walk Through Fire
1545: Everything’s On Fire
1546: Baby’s On Fire
1547: Fire In My Heart
1548: Gold Ingot
1549: Bolt Of Silk
1550: Pack Of Spices
1551: Something Stinks!
1552: Gaining Trust
1553: If You Can’t Stand the Heat…
1554: Retrieving Recollections
1555: Under Orders
1556: Locket Holds the Key
1557: Plans Fit for a King
1558: Bound by Fire
1559: Heart of Fire
1560: Spirit of a Dragon
1561: Initiate Shutdown Sequence
1562: Aura of Dragon’s Flame
1563: Spirit of the Black Unicorn
1564: Tie a Black Ribbon ‘Round an Old Burnt Tree
1565: Daddy’s Little Robotic Angel
1566: Making Up Some Makeup
1567: A Mechanical Girl’s Best Friend
1568: Blooming Blossom Bouquet
1569: Sweet FireCherry Pie
1570: Robot Unicorn Assemble
1571: A Fresh Breath of Life
1572: Where Air You?
1573: Invading Your (Sacred) Space
1574: There’s Magic Every-Air
1575: Dragon’s Fire Blossom to be Found
1576: The Space Between
1577: The Burning Question
1578: Lightning Up the Night
1579: Will you take Omom?
1580: The Jade Spirit
1581: The Crimson Spirit
1582: The Magmas Spirit
1583: The Cerulean Spirit
1584: The Scrawl Spirit
1585: The Airborne Spirit
1586: The Lava Spirit
1587: Trusted Sources
1588: Shades Of Gray
1589: Hiding In Shadows
1590: Fading Light
1591: Candles in the Dark
1592: Shadow Battle!
1593: Jade Boxes
1594: Musical Crystals
1595: We Didn’t Start the Fire
1596: Pay Homage to a Foreign God
1597: Clash to a Cure
1598: Sulfur Pure
1602: Eukara’s Text Quest
1603: Stone Cold Monster
1604: Interview The Troops
1605: The Drop Spot
1606: The Spider’s Gem
1607: Enemies on the Other Side
1608: Get Some Answers
1609: Recovery of Stolen Goods
1610: Face the Traitor!
1611: Silent Sentinel Medallion
1612: Sentinels Writ
1613: Sentinels Platinum Coin
1614: Fish Food
1615: Catch of the Day
1616: So, something washed up on the beach…
1617: Dilution Solution
1618: A Frogdrake’s Love Story
1619: A Little Bit of Bubbly Never hurt
1620: Flight of the Fishwings
1621: Hunt for the Greater Good
1622: Kill the Deep Dweller
1623: Make Marsh-mallows out of them!
1624: Firewater in your Veins
1625: The Missing Vault
1626: The Shattered Lens
1627: The Frame Up
1628: The Lenscrafter
1629: The Hidden Vault
1630: The Guardian
1631: The Family Jewels
1632: Cornelis Reborn
1633: Call from Deep Within
1634: Chrysalis of Flames
1635: Glittering Secrets of Old
1636: Aria of Great Significance
1637: Rekindling a Pomegranate
1638: Legendary Crystal Skulls
1639: Return of the Crystal Beauty
1640: Taking back the Shards of Secrets
1641: Lament of the Lyre
1642: Marc of the Sword
1643: Love’s Odyssey
1649: Oberon’s bouquet
1650: Pygmalian’s Ivory Lady
1651: The Ring of Shakuntala
1652: Love Letters of Solitude
1655: Baucis’s Pitcher
1656: Find the rest of J6
1657: Mer’Angel Hunting
1658: Search for the Cursed Lovers
1659: Sing the Blues
1660: Land of the Red
1661: Find the Source of the Curse
1662: Defeat the CurseMaker
1663: One Moore Time
1664: You Only Get One Shot at True Love
1665: Intro To Love
1666: Into the Underworld
1667: Love Ghosts
1668: Help Moore
1669: Mercutio
1670: Out of Time
1671: Happy Ending
1672: Gateway to the Souls
1673: Ghostly Zardman Souls
1674: Cyclops Warlord Ghost Souls
1675: Escaped Wendighost Souls
1676: Belrot the Ghost Souls
1677: Ghostly Deathgazer Souls
1678: Escaped Dai Tenghost Souls
1679: Mercutio’s Soul
1680: Ghostly Aracara Souls
1681: Ghostly Grizzlespit Souls
1682: Favor for Fatih
1683: Rainbows All the Way
1684: Fins up!
1685: Lost Memories
1686: Remembering…
1687: A Personal Effect
1688: The Unintentional Tomb
1689: The Spirit Speaks
1690: Unseen Monsters
1691: Stop IT!
1692: Sad Farewells
1693: Ectoamber
1694: Screamwave
1695: Spirit Ward Sigil
1696: Deserter in the Ranks
1697: Secure the Ship
1698: Infiltration is a Go
1699: Elluding Capture is not an Option
1700: Don’t Get Caught Weak in the Knees
1701: Alchemy Components
1702: Fueling Insanity
1703: Insanely Insane
1704: Looking for a Good Hero
1705: Don’t Regret the Evil
1706: Rise of the Frogdrake – XP Boost
1707: Skeletal Warrior Upsurge – Gold Boost
1708: Slimiest Spring – Class Rank Boost
1709: Waiting for Rep with Baited Breath – Rep Boost
1710: Etherstorm Warrior Good
1711: Etherstorm Mega Warrior Good
1712: Etherstorm Warrior Evil
1713: Etherstorm Mega Warrior Evil
1714: Etherstorm Warrior Desoloth
1715: Etherstorm Mega Warrior Desoloth
1716: Redeem the Ether-Creatures!
1717: Investigate the Ether-Taint!
1718: Slay the Ether-Creatures
1719: Investigate the Ether-Taint!
1720: Dragon Sacrifice for Desoloth!
1721: Defend Your Master!
1722: Donation to the Dark Lord
1723: Embrace the Godly Mace
1724: Operation Overload
1725: Be the Shinobi
1726: A Shade of Shadow
1727: Vampire Inspire
1728: He’s Lycan the Recruits
1729: Etherstorm War
1730: Etherstorm War half
1731: Desoloth Defeated
1732: Appology
1733: A Town Divided
1734: The Miller’s Key
1735: Trailblazer
1736: Fire Brigade Of one
1737: Fire Control
1738: Andesi’s Family Pendant
1739: Signed, Seared, Delivered
1740: The Xan With The Plan
1743: The Tools and the Talent
1744: The Shining
1745: Your Ad Here
1746: Coal Hard Facts
1747: Material World
1748: You’re A Gem
1749: Ore Eaters
1750: More Tools? Really?
1751: The Strapping Hero
1752: The UnderHammers
1753: Fighting Back
1754: Product
1755: Earn Your Stripes
1756: Stay Sharp
1757: Get Us Some Business!
1758: Rainbow Shards
1759: Lucky Clovers
1760: Rainbow Shards – Leprechauns Only
1761: Lucky Clovers – Leprechauns Only
1762: JeraStr
1763: JeraInt
1764: JeraEnd
1765: JeraDex
1766: JeraWis
1767: JeraLuc
1768: JeraManNONE
1769: JeraHeaNONE
1770: JeraHasNONE
1772: JeraCri
1773: JerahReNONE
1774: JeramReNONE
1775: JeraEvaNONE
1776: JeraRes
1777: JeraDamNONE
1778: JeraAPwNONE
1779: JeraSPwNONE
1780: JeraHit
1781: JerahOu
1782: JerahlnNONE
1783: JeraBla
1784: JeraAlc
1785: JeraFis
1786: JeraScr
1787: UruzStr
1788: UruzLint
1789: UruxEnd
1790: UruzDex
1791: UruzWiz
1792: UruzLuc
1793: UruzMan
1794: UruzHea
1795: UruzHasNONE
1796: UruzCri
1797: UruzhReNONE
1798: UruzmReNONE
1799: UruzEvaNONE
1800: UruzRes
1801: UruzDamNONE
1802: UruzAPwNONE
1803: UruzSPwNONE
1804: UruzHit
1805: UruzhOu
1806: UruzhIn
1807: UruzBla
1808: UruzAlc
1809: UruzFis
1810: UruzScr
1811: FehuStr
1812: FehuInt
1813: FehuEnd
1814: FehuDex
1815: FehuWis
1816: FehuLuc
1817: FehuMan
1818: FehuHea
1819: FehuHas
1820: FehuCri
1821: FehuhRe
1822: FehumRe
1823: FehuEva
1824: FehuRes
1825: FehuDamNONE
1826: FehuAPwNONE
1827: FehuSPwNONE
1828: FehuHit
1829: FehuhOu
1830: FehuhIn
1831: FehuBla
1832: FehuAlc
1833: FehuFis
1834: FehuScr
1835: GeboStr
1836: GeboInt
1837: GeboEnd
1838: GeboDex
1839: GeboWis
1840: GeboLuc
1841: reuse
1842: GeboMan
1843: GeboHea
1844: GeboHas
1845: GeboCri
1846: GebohRe
1847: GebomRe
1848: GeboEva
1849: GeboRes
1850: GeboDam
1851: GeboAPw
1852: GeboSPw
1853: GeboHit
1854: GebohOu
1855: GebohIn
1856: GeboBlaNONE
1857: GeboAlc
1858: GeboFis
1859: GeboScrNONE
1860: DragonStr
1861: DragonInt
1862: DragonEnd
1863: DragonDex
1864: DragonWis
1865: DragonLuc
1866: DragonMan
1867: DragonHea
1868: DragonHas
1869: DragonCri
1870: DragonhRe
1871: DragonmRe
1872: DragonEva
1873: DragonRes
1874: DragonDam
1875: DragonAPw
1876: DragonSPw
1877: DragonHit
1878: DragonhOu
1879: DragonhIn
1880: DragonBlaNONE
1881: DragonAlc
1882: DragonFis
1883: DragonScrNONE
1884: DragonStrLow
1885: DragonIntLow
1886: DragonEndLow
1887: DragonDexLow
1888: DragonWisLow
1889: DragonLucLow
1890: DragonManLowNONE
1891: DragonHeaLowNONE
1892: DragonHasLowNONE
1893: DragonCriLow
1894: DragonhReLowNONE
1895: DragonmReLowNONE
1896: DragonEvaLowNONE
1897: DragonResLow
1898: DragonDamLowNONE
1899: DragonAPwLowNONE
1900: DragonSPwLowNONE
1901: DragonHitLow
1902: DragonhOuLow
1903: DragonhInLowNONE
1904: DragonBlaLow
1905: DragonAlcLow
1906: DragonFisLOw
1907: DragonScrLow
1908: Sounds Like Cysero
1909: Magic-flavored Misery
1910: Sending out a Stress-OS
1911: Lock-Blocked
1912: Bridge Over Troubled Wellmet
1913: Focus on the Locus
1914: Locus Located
1915: Demented Deorysa
1916: Traitor Takedown
1917: Taking Notes
1918: Those Blasted Misery Eels
1919: Boredom at the Ball
1920: Just Because I’m Not A Wizard…
1921: Studying for Life
1922: Being a Wizard’s Best Friend
1923: Beefing Up Conn
1924: Biscuits and a Side of Bacon
1925: A Stronger Truncheon
1926: The Wizard’s Apprentice’s New Clothes
1927: Repairing Heatsease
1928: Embero Spell
1929: Pickpocketing 101
1934: Thieves are Lye-able
1935: Stainless Stealers
1936: Pick some Pockets to Plunder
1937: What You Seize is What You Get
1938: Benet’s Biscuits
1939: The Stolen Ritual
1940: A Pound Of Flesh
1941: Blood Of The Ancients
1942: Phinding Phylacteries
1943: Bats Blood Rune
1944: Maggots Blood Rune
1945: Lycans Blood Rune
1946: Twisted Paw’s Blood Rune
1947: Ancient Vitae
1948: Poison Creation
1949: Vegetal Decay
1950: Recycle, Rebuild, Rescue
1951: Corrosive Philtre
1952: Loyalty Rewarded, Wounds Salved
1953: Storm the Fort
1954: Termination Tonic
1955: Burn ALL the Things!
1956: Eggsamine Zard Eggs
1957: Eggstreme Fishing
1958: Eggscavating Dwakel Eggs
1959: Egsstraordinary Bird Eggs
1960: Pay Homage to Caladbolg
1961: Make Way
1962: Black Pelt Test
1963: Networking Fibers
1964: Guess What in a Guess Where
1965: Splitting Hares
1966: Sleezter Bunny’s Quarters
1967: The Sleezter Bunvinci Code
1968: Take Sleezter Bunny Out!
1969: Mantis Ray Repair
1970: A Map Wouldn’t Hurt
1971: Endin’ Minions
1972: Breaking Bad Eggs
1973: dUruzStr
1974: dUruzInt
1975: dUruzEnd
1976: dUruzDex
1977: dUruzWis
1978: dUruzLuc
1979: dUruzMan
1980: dUruzHea
1981: dUruzHasNONE
1982: dUruzCri
1983: dUruzhReNONE
1984: dUruzmReNONE
1985: dUruzRes
1986: dUruzDamNONE
1987: dUruzAPwNONE
1988: dUruzSPwNONE
1989: dUruzHit
1990: dUruzhOu
1991: dUruzhIn
1992: dUruzBla
1993: dUruzAlc
1994: dUruzFis
1995: dUruzScr
1996: dFehuStr
1997: dFehuInt
1998: dFehuEnd
1999: dFehuEnd
2000: dFehuDex
2001: dFehuWis
2002: dFehuLuc
2003: dFehuMan
2004: dFehuHea
2005: dFehuHas
2006: dFehuCri
2007: dFehuhRe
2008: dFehumRe
2009: dFehuEva
2010: dFehuRes
2011: dFehuDamNONE
2012: dFehuAPwNONE
2013: dFehuSPwNONE
2014: dFehuHit
2015: dFehuhOu
2016: dFehuhIn
2017: dFehuBla
2018: dFehuAlc
2019: dFehuFis
2020: dFehuScr
2021: Bunny Defeated
2022: Knave1′s Route to the Void
2023: Void Spell
2024: Know Thy Enemy
2025: An Enemy Unblooded
2026: Re-Open the Seal
2027: Weaken the Moya
2028: Banish the Banished One
2029: Become the Desterrat Moya (daily)
2030: Prevent the Return (daily)
2031: Barely Made It
2032: Plant Food
2033: Supplies party
2034: Copious Notes
2035: Lightguard Keystone
2036: Defend Lightguard Keep!
2037: LightGuard Defender Tokens
2038: Bridge the Gap
2039: Crack the Code
2040: Comm Module 4dX
2041: Back to Base-ics
2042: Secret Weapon Mecha-Death!
2043: Can You Hear Me Now?
2044: Descent Into Darkness
2045: Retrieve the Past, Room 1
2046: Retrieve the Past, Room 2
2047: Retrieve the Past, Room 3
2048: Retrieve the Past, Room 4
2049: Deeper Into Darkness
2050: Retrieve the Past, Room 5
2051: Retrieve the Past, Room 6
2052: Retrieve the Past, Room 7
2053: Monster Subway Ahead
2054: Underground Rail Road.. To DOOM!
2055: Retrieve the Past, Room 10
2056: The Deepest Descent
2057: Retrieve the Past, Room 11
2058: Retrieve the Past, Room 12
2059: Retrieve the Past, Room 13
2060: Five Times the Fury
2061: The Past Will Haunt You
2062: Doom Overlord Challenge
2063: Executive Doom Overlord Challenge
2064: Begin Your Destiny
2065: Dark Spirit Orbs
2066: Reforging the Blinding Light
2067: Secret Order of Undead Slayers
2068: To be continued next week…
2069: Sepulchure’s Armor
2070: Thou Shalt Not Pass
2071: Blinded by the Darkness
2072: The Tale Never Dies
2073: Doom Outside the Dome
2074: Last Bastion of Light
2075: Shadowy Corruption
2076: Strength of the Darkness
2077: Bring Down The Necropolis
2078: Overlord Evolution
2079: Armored Daimyo
2080: Dark Armored Daimyo
2081: REUSE
2082: Essential Essences
2083: Bust some Dust
2084: A Loyal Follower
2085: Chaos Vordred Battle
2086: The Doom that Looms
2087: The Doom that Looms
2088: Toiling with Terror
2089: A Penny for your Thoughts
2090: Dark Spirit Donation
2091: Mine Crafting
2092: Zombie War
2093: Undead Assault
2094: Skull Crusher Mountain
2095: The Undead Giant
2096: Talk to the Knights
2097: Defend the Throne Room
2098: Hard Core Metals
2099: Where Shall I Sleep Tonight?
2100: Fight Fire with Fire
2101: No One Said It Would Be Easy
2102: Free Us, Oh Brave One
2103: Almighty Aluminum Enchantment
2104: Blessed Barium Enchantment
2105: Glorious Gold Enchantment
2106: Immortal Iron Enchantment
2107: Celestial Copper Enchantment
2108: Sanctified Silver Enchantment
2109: Pious Platinum Enchantment
2110: Accursed Arsenic Hex
2111: Baneful Beryllium Hex
2112: Calamitous Chromium Hex
2113: Pernicious Palladium Hex
2114: Reprehensible Rhodium Hex
2115: Treacherous Thorium Hex
2116: Malefic Mercury Hex
2117: Rolith Defeated
2118: Fight for Lore!
2119: Battleon
2120: Lair
2121: Myhtsong
2123: Willowshire
2124: Keep The Area Clear
2125: Defeat Zombie Dragons
2126: Defeat Your Fallen Friends
2127: Long Unlive The King!
2128: Dark Sepulchure Must Be Slain!
2129: Almighty Aluminum of Destiny
2130: Blessed Barium of Destiny
2131: Glorious Gold of Destiny
2132: Immortal Iron of Destiny
2133: Celestial Copper of Destiny
2134: Sanctified Silver of Destiny
2135: Pious Platinum of Destiny
2136: Basic Weapon Kit Construction
2137: Accursed Arsenic of Doom
2138: Baneful Beryllium of Doom
2139: Calamitous Chromium of Doom
2140: Pernicious Palladium of Doom
2141: Reprehensible Rhodium of Doom
2142: Treacherous Thorium of Doom
2143: Malefic Mercury of Doom
2144: DoomSquire Weapon Kit
2145: Enchanted Inks for Spell Crafting
2146: Lesser Salves for Spell Crafting
2147: Runic Salves for Spell Crafting
2148: Unknown Alloy for Blacksmithing
2149: Volatile Temper Agent for Blacksmithing
2150: Glowing Temper Agent for Blacksmithing
2151: Locate The Sealed Library
2152: A Powered Library Lock
2153: Luminate the Library Lock
2154: Defend The Library!
2155: Crossing Over
2156: Guardian of Shurpu
2157: Face Xan
2162: Advanced Weapon Kit Construction
2163: Ultimate Weapon Kit Construction
2164: DoomSoldier Weapon Kit
2165: DoomKnight Weapon Kit
2166: Medicinal Salves
2167: Vial of Antitoxins
2168 – Planet Banzai!
2169 – L.O.S.E.R. Battle!
2170 – Down to the Wire
2171 – J6 in SPAAAAACE!
2172 – Secondary Mission
2173 – Mission 5
2174 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Bow
2175 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Daggers
2176 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Mace
2177 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Scythe
2178 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Broadsword
2179 – Finding Fragments with Blinding Blade
2180 – The Blinding Light of Destiny FINAL
2181 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Daggers
2182 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Shade Blade
2183 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Broadsword
2184 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Scythe
2185 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Mace
2186 – Pinpoint the Pieces with Necrotic Bow
2187 – Summoning Sepulchure’s Armor FINAL
2192 – You scratch me back…
2193 – …And me scratch yours
2194 – Sign here
2198 – Restore Tibattleonia!
2199 – Gen Ed Generator
2200 – Speak to the Blue Mage
2201 – Cogs and Gears
2203 – Target Practice
2204 – Do the ‘do
2205 – Business is BOOMing
2206 – Strut My Stuff
2207 – Who Let the Togs Out?
2208 – You Don’t Want To Know…
2209 – Shurpu Blaze Token
2210 – MEMBER: Shurpu Blaze Token
2211 – Dem bones, den icy bones
2212 – Icy Screams
2213 – Pick Your Battles
2214 – Some Good Adv-ice
2215 – Shatter It Just a Little Bit
2216 – Dage War Turn In
2217 – Nulgath War Turn In
2218 – Prove Your Allegiance
2219 – Only The Strong Survive Today
2220 – Grind Out Goodness
2221 – Crush the Weak